HGC : initializing…

Hudson Group Consulting: Building Successful Partnerships

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The Selection Process

  1. Identifying the Candidates
  2. Candidate Search
  3. Initial Screening Interview
  4. Secondary Interview
  5. Summary
  6. Reference Checks
  7. Presentation to the Client
  8. Successful Hire

TopIdentifying the Candidates

By thoroughly analyzing the job description, Hudson Group will develop the search criteria. Criteria are evaluated based on the following requirements:

  • Expectations and Goals
  • Work History/Experience
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Personal traits
  • Compensation Requirements

Counsellors at Hudson Group discuss their search methodology with the Client Service Manager, advising on specific criteria that is recommended. The search will take place utilizing tools that are available at Hudson Group. These include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Our Extended Relationship/Network base
  • Targeted Recruiting ( Headhunting )
  • Internal Data Base Search ( 40,000 applicants )
  • Partnerships with various career search affiliates

The time frame for locating a candidate is determined by the needs of the client, job position and the specific requirements of the job. These factors determine the type of search utilized by Hudson Group.

TopInitial Screening Interview

Once the candidate has been located and a resume has been received, a telephone interview is conducted. The telephone interview covers a checklist of initial questions that are not related to the job description, but directly relate to the candidates’ expectations and personal details. Once this preliminary questioning is complete, the counsellor has the option of discussing the job description. Should this occur, a full analysis of relevant experience is undertaken. Questions in this section of the interview are based on the candidates’ resume and key areas of competency identified in the search methodology.

TopSecondary Interview

Should the candidate have a successful screening interview, a secondary interview will be scheduled in the offices of Hudson Group. This in-depth interview will focus on niche and soft skills.

The “Soft skills” of a candidate are gauged by using interview techniques. Technical skills are scrutinized by utilizing customized screening methods that will be identified during the initial meeting

Hudson Group consultants will also conduct additional screening where appropriate. The following screening tools may be utilized:

  • Face-to-Face technical interviews
  • Verification of references
  • Scenario questions ( general and specific to the position )


During the selection process notes will be taken by the counsellor, correspondence recorded and a profile established.

The summary is conducted and customized to the client’s needs, and are directly related to the internal selection and screening process.

TopReference Checks

Reference Checks are completed at this time by Hudson Group and will be kept confidential until requested by the client. Hudson Group will immediately provide a general report that will highlight the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses identified through the reference check. Where relevant, current work references will be undertaken at the discretion of the candidate.

TopPresentation to the Client

After the selection process is complete, the client is supplied with a copy of the candidate's resume and along with any other documentation that may be required. Armed with a well-screened applicant, the client will now begin their own selection process.

Throughout the selection process, Hudson Group will be involved in a manner that we can best add value to your process. Once again this is tailored to your needs.

TopSuccessful Hire

Once the selection process has been completed, the candidate has accepted an offer and a start date confirmed, Hudson Group will continue its relationship with the candidate. This can take the form of mentoring in such areas as advising how to resign from their current position to ensuring they have the required information to begin their new career with the client.